Eyefood Photography Blog

Philosophy and approach to photography

Commercial Photographer Andy Rasheed | South Australia

Learning Styles Vlog
philosophy Andy Rasheed philosophy Andy Rasheed

Learning Styles Vlog

Does the idea of "Stick to one thing" make you uncomfortable? You might be a broad learner like me. I've dedicated a huge part of my life to developing many and various skill sets and it's been great!

Let me explain how.

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Branding; Five things you should know
Andy Rasheed Andy Rasheed

Branding; Five things you should know

A business needs to have an identity: a unique brand. A look that sets this business apart from the competition. Every component must fit as a part of an overall package that is considered and refined. To present a group of unified components that represent a slick operation that will generate professional results.

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Photographing children 
Andy Rasheed Andy Rasheed

Photographing children 

The child being photographed should feel that everything is under control and that they are at the centre of something that is great fun. Importantly they also need to understand that with their help we can make something really special.

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