Eyefood Photography Blog

Philosophy and approach to photography

Commercial Photographer Andy Rasheed | South Australia

Creating “Nature Portals ”, An exhibition of new macro photographic artworks by Andy Rasheed.
Making art, Art, Art Photography, Technique Andy Rasheed Making art, Art, Art Photography, Technique Andy Rasheed

Creating “Nature Portals ”, An exhibition of new macro photographic artworks by Andy Rasheed.

I am very excited to announce my upcoming solo exhibition, “Nature Portals.” A fantastical collection of abstract macro photographs of Australian plants. The exhibition will be held at Flinders Medical Centre as part of their Arts in Health programme and run across February and March in the Promenade gallery A.

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How creating art makes us better people.

How creating art makes us better people.

Making art is a physical activity.

It will feed you in both the doing and increased development of your skillsets. There is a huge satisfaction from engagement in a project and being productive. Constantly pushing into unconventional areas of thought keeps our minds flexible and striving for new ideas; which equals a better version of us.

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