Eyefood Photography Blog

Philosophy and approach to photography

Commercial Photographer Andy Rasheed | South Australia

Commercial architectural interior photography
Andy Rasheed Andy Rasheed

Commercial architectural interior photography

Commercial architectural photography is a disciplined form of storytelling. On one level, it's an accurate representation of the elements and design of the building and on the other hand, the photos are trying to invite the viewer to want to experience the space. 

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Why editing is so important
Andy Rasheed Andy Rasheed

Why editing is so important

Getting fewer photos from a photoshoot is actually better for your business. This seems counterintuitive. It’s tempting to assume that receiving all of the photos from a shoot puts you in the strongest position, but truth be told, it’s probably the worst outcome for your business.

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Commercial portraiture should never be a Tug-of-war.

Commercial portraiture should never be a Tug-of-war.

As a commercial photographer, I have found that I'm able to present myself as status neutral. This is a quick look at the key factors that allow to build rapport with anyone and help them enjoy being photographed.

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Food product photography to make consumers’ tummies rumble: The five things you need to know!

Food product photography to make consumers’ tummies rumble: The five things you need to know!

Food product photography to make consumer's tummies rumble: The five things you need to know!

We all ‘eat with our eyes’. It’s a fact. As a food/beverage manufacturer or producer, you know this better than most, because attraction to the images of your product is an integral and essential part of your marketing strategy (and a healthy bottom line).

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