Eyefood Photography Blog

Philosophy and approach to photography

Commercial Photographer Andy Rasheed | South Australia

The simplest explanation of Shutter Speed on the internet

The simplest explanation of Shutter Speed on the internet

The simplest explanation of shutter speed on the internet. As the name suggests, shutter speed is the measure of the time the shutter is open when taking a photograph. Having looked at the concept of aperture and depth of field, the next crucial function to understand in the operation of a camera is shutter speed.

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Extracting the most from photoshoot: Editing

Extracting the most from photoshoot: Editing

In my opinion, everyone benefits from harsh editing, it’s the most vital aspect of quality control. The client should only ever have a choice from a selection of viable photos.

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Food product photography to make consumers’ tummies rumble: The five things you need to know!

Food product photography to make consumers’ tummies rumble: The five things you need to know!

Food product photography to make consumer's tummies rumble: The five things you need to know!

We all ‘eat with our eyes’. It’s a fact. As a food/beverage manufacturer or producer, you know this better than most, because attraction to the images of your product is an integral and essential part of your marketing strategy (and a healthy bottom line).

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