Eyefood Photography Blog

Philosophy and approach to photography

Commercial Photographer Andy Rasheed | South Australia

Location car photography in natural light.
Andy Rasheed Andy Rasheed

Location car photography in natural light.

The vehicle's design is a mix of large flat areas, compound curves, overhanging wheel arches and hard edges. Light reacts in different ways across each of these different areas and surfaces. Capturing a strong photograph of all of those shapes and surfaces well takes experimentation, patience and an understanding of how light will play on the car and how best to manage it.

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Photographing Cars

Photographing Cars

Photographing cars, motorbikes and trucks in a studio environment is a great pleasure but also very challenging. Old vehicles hold immense appeal for me as objects, the individuality and boldness of design either beautifully resolved or bizarrely clunky.

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Functional artworks for therapeutic environments 

Functional artworks for therapeutic environments 

Art is a useful tool in therapeutic environments. Art can affect our senses, the choice of imagery can determine if we feel repelled, or welcome and can offer an expansive option in a confining situation. All of which have an influence on our ability to heal ourselves.

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Creating “Nature Portals ”, An exhibition of new macro photographic artworks by Andy Rasheed.
Making art, Art, Art Photography, Technique Andy Rasheed Making art, Art, Art Photography, Technique Andy Rasheed

Creating “Nature Portals ”, An exhibition of new macro photographic artworks by Andy Rasheed.

I am very excited to announce my upcoming solo exhibition, “Nature Portals.” A fantastical collection of abstract macro photographs of Australian plants. The exhibition will be held at Flinders Medical Centre as part of their Arts in Health programme and run across February and March in the Promenade gallery A.

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Commercial Architectural Photography
Andy Rasheed Andy Rasheed

Commercial Architectural Photography

The key images aim to tell the story of the completed building. What it is, where it is, what was it made from, and what is it like to occupy? Given that buildings are so multifaceted, this story is told over a body of images.

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The simplest explanation of Shutter Speed on the internet

The simplest explanation of Shutter Speed on the internet

The simplest explanation of shutter speed on the internet. As the name suggests, shutter speed is the measure of the time the shutter is open when taking a photograph. Having looked at the concept of aperture and depth of field, the next crucial function to understand in the operation of a camera is shutter speed.

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Food product photography to make consumers’ tummies rumble: The five things you need to know!

Food product photography to make consumers’ tummies rumble: The five things you need to know!

Food product photography to make consumer's tummies rumble: The five things you need to know!

We all ‘eat with our eyes’. It’s a fact. As a food/beverage manufacturer or producer, you know this better than most, because attraction to the images of your product is an integral and essential part of your marketing strategy (and a healthy bottom line).

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